Saturday, March 1, 2008

hey dear blog!!!!!!!!!!!!

hey blog...
u have been of great help when i was too low in ma life..
u wer one sincere companion who stayed along durin tat trough..
n am sure u wud stay along in my ride...
now when am on top of the world n am feelin so
happy for myself....i know u too are rejoicin wimme...
but fren....
this hour i say adieu....not permanently...
am goin on a voyage...a journey to live ma dreams...
its jus for one year...
i stay apart from you ma fren...
if i succeed in ma voyage i ll be back to u
with hundreds of reasons for me n u to be happy...
n at the start of this journey i believe success is sure..
i rejoice there was a past
but i leave it behind for there has to be a better future jus for me...
i long for you ma life...
so it is a break for one year dear blog...
i willl return as a more powerful n vigorous blogger pal.....
goodbye...n remember its bye for the better..........
see ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, February 8, 2008

At The Brink...................

i hate shadows...
especially those that follow me through...
i remember the times when i loved all the butterflies tat
tasted the colours of me.....
i long tat they come back...
but like a strong rain they created all the deluge...
and never came back..
they remain as dark clouds in the sky...
and never pour down...
i stare into them.....
for when wil they come back into this
dry alley that i call life....
i wonder........................